Monday, April 6, 2009 -{'4:25 AM
OK.......so long didnt blog liao......lyk its dead haha......wow during the weekends got scout camp......haha tired slept at 2 and woke up at 5........but quite fun haha tis camp for pri sch scouts wow naughty sia they seem to not understand eng BLEH! had camp fire n damn boring aft tat got reflection......everyone heads r on the table liao some slept......the reflection was weird haha kept toking toking wow hm...... than aft finally got to bathe wow damn small leys than got bug in the basin ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww disgusted me when was brushing teeth.......aft got bac to work in the admin dept print certs type n more typing before tat we had dinner wow same as wad we had for lunch! disgusting while the pri scouts r doin outdoor cooking NICE! continue work so many things to print so many ppl BLEH! than went to sleep haha but woke up for alot of times haha cant sleep woke up at 5 haha BLEH! continue more work than got debrief than go vivo city eat lunch:) wow take mrt for 1 hour frm sebawang terror sea scout camp to harbourfront haha tats had my lunch went hm sleep MORE!! tats all BLEH!:)